Landlord Letting Services
Tenant Finder Service
This is a Let Only Service. With the Tenant Finder Service, you as the Landlord leave your property in safe capable hands receiving regular updates from us including the following:
We will advertise your property on our own website and with all main property portals to reach all prospective tenants, looking for property like yours. A to-let board is put up at the property as long as there are no restrictions to do so.
We will conduct escorted viewings to the property when convenient with the prospective tenants, also where applicable giving notice to view with your current tenants if the property is not empty.
Tenant Checking
Prior to the commencement of any tenancy offered all prospective tenants are referenced checked. These references include the checks of the last three bank statements and wage slips, to provide income proof and checks made with the most recent employer from the details provided.
If the references are not satisfactory the tenancy will not proceed. In some situations a guarantor is required for the prospective tenant and the guarantor will also be referenced.
The guarantor must pass the reference check satisfactorily, prior to the tenancy commencing. If you the landlord are prepared to except Tenants who are on Housing Benefit or DSS, a guarantor will be provided.
Where references are exceptable and following your consent we will arrange for a rent and Legal Expenses Insurance Policy quotation to be provided by our qualified professionals to you.
Tenancy Agreement and Associated Mandatory and Legal Documents
We will prepare and produce, also getting signed the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement with relevant notices to protect your legal rights at the start of the tenancy. Also upon any renewal of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement as required by you the landlord.
The Tenant is required to give one months rental payment to meet the deposit requirements normally prior to the commencement of the Tenancy Agreement.
The Deposit is transferred to one of the Government Scheme to ensure you as the landlord are complying with the Law or we can put this in your own awarded Government Scheme. Upon the tenant’s Vacating a final inspection is required to be carried out and the inventory completed at the start of the tenancy is of help to complete this. In order to assess the return and completion of the tenants deposits.
A No Deposit Facility is available.
An experienced member of staff will conduct an Inventory of the property at the start of the Tenancy agreement. Sending the report and photo’s to you the landlord and the new tenants in order for the tenant to agree to the inventory and state of the furniture, carpets, fixtures, fittings and effects.
Also included within these services are, informing the relevant utility companies if the information is supplied to us and gaining meter readings.
We will contact you within three months of expiry of the Tenancy agreement to see if you would like to renew the tenancy or use our Tenant Finder Services again.
Please remember throughout the tenancy and at the checkout for the tenant you will be the first point of call for the tenant with reference to repairs and maintenance services, keeping the property within legislative requirements etc.
We can help you with the tenant check out by completing this for you at the end of the tenancy. Our fees for this service are: Tenant Finder Service only £384.00 inc of VAT Tenant Finder Services.
To include check in and check out Services at the end of the Tenancy £425.00 inc of VAT.
Use our Rent Collection Services
If you have used our Tenant Finder Services or DIY Advertise. We can collect the rental income monthly using our Rent Collection Services.
Property Accounting
A rental statement is provided every time a rental payment is processed on your property, Rent Collection Services are normally completed once a month in line with the tenancy agreement. The statement provides a breakdown of all income and expenditure for that period. Expenditure with the Landlords Permission from the Rental Income.
The Rental Income is paid directly to the Landlords bank account by BACS transfer from the information provided in the Rent Collection Services Agreement completed.
We also have a fully committed arrears procedure explained within our agreement, for ongoing commitment to you. We do not just walk away but help and guide you if unforeseen circumstances arise.
Rental Guarantee and Legal Protection Insurance
Landlords are recommended to take out this insurance policy, this can be provided once the tenant has passed the referencing process. If you do not have an insurance policy in place we can arrange for our Insurance Professional to contact you, to provide that added protection.
Tenancy Renewals
We will arrange at the end of the tenancy period for the tenancy agreements to be renewed for a further term on agreement with the Landlord and Tenant. The relevant Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement with relevant notices will be drawn up, within the confines of the current legislation. Completed by the Tenant and the Landlord or by us on behalf of the Landlord. Depending on the service you have chosen with us. We will contact you 3 months before the renewal to confirm with Landlords and Tenants.
Should the Landlord wish to terminate the Tenancy Agreement with the tenant we will arrange for all relevant notices to be served on the tenant. We will keep the Landlord informed and updated when the renewals are required for the gas safety record, energy performance certificates, relevant insurance policies, electrical wiring and fire alarm testing (if applicable). If requested we will arrange for these to be renewed where necessary.
The charge for this service is 7% + VAT Monthly for the term of the Tenancy Agreement, based on the rental amount.
Property Management Services
With the Full Management Letting Agents Services, all of the above services are included within the Property Management Programme. You as a Landlord leave your property in safe capable hands receiving regular updates from us.
Included in the Property Management Programme are our Let Only Services and Rent Collection Services, as well as the following:
Property Inspections
Regular Inspections are carried out at the property to ensure the Tenant is conducting their tenancy in accordance to the Tenancy Agreement, also to ensure the property is being cared for by the tenant.
This is also a good time to check the property for any updates of decorating or renewals required to report back to you the Landlord. Estimates will be provided to the Landlord at their request.
Repairs and Maintenance
We will arrange for any necessary work for any maintenance issue reported to us, to be carried out from the Landlord, Tenant or reported from one of our property inspections.
Most Landlords give us permission to carry out maintenance work up to a certain figure. Above this figure we will approach and obtain permission from the landlord or if the landlord has instructed us to on all costs, unless in the event of an Emergency.
End of tenancy
When the tenant vacates the property we will carry out a final property inspection and check the inventory. Also informing all the relevant utility companies and arrange the return of the deposit to the tenant. We will also re-advertise the property if the Landlord requires us to do so.
Tenancy Renewals
We will arrange at the end of the tenancy period for the tenancy agreements to be renewed for a further term on agreement with the Landlord and Tenant consent. The relevant Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement and relevant notices will be drawn up, within the confines of the current legislation.
Should the Landlord wish to terminate the Tenancy Agreement with the tenant we will arrange for all relevant notices to be served on the tenant.
Safety Certificates
We will keep the Landlord informed and updated when the renewals are required for the gas safety record, energy performance certificates, relevant insurance policies, electrical wiring and fire alarm testing if required. We will arrange for these to be renewed where necessary.
- We will need a set of Management keys to the property to conduct viewings and inspections, also sets of keys to give to the new potential tenants.
- Monthly charge of 10% + VAT
- Discounts may apply to Landlords who have more than one property that is fully managed by us, using our Full Management Letting Services.
Please Contact Us for further details on any of our Landlord Letting Services from the Property Letting Agents Loughborough!